Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tagged by Tyger!

The rules are:
1. Link the person who tagged you to this post
2. Mention the rules in your blog
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged

This me me is about any particular mannerism you have, ok?

Tygernity, you tagged me so here’s my creepy self…

1. I will never tell anyone I’m meeting for the first or second or third or forth time that I know anyone they know. As in NEVER. I just don’t want anyone linking me with anyone. I like to be known and judged for who I am and not who I know or related to. Chances are, we will never be close once you link me with anybody during this incubating period.

2. I have never been stranded. I honestly don’t know what it means. I always seem to have a plan ‘b’ or ‘c’ or‘d’. Maybe it is the independence in me, I don’t know for sure but that is the case. This has cost me a lot and I have learnt to subtly disguise my independence. I hope honestly that I am trying hard enough

3. I smell lies from 500 miles, ok maybe not but I know for sure that people display something on their faces when they lie. I see it, never miss it. A smile, a wrinkle, a stutter, movement in the brows, a look, anything. But I always know when a lie is told. Now it annoys me too, so I hardly ever say anything. As a matter of fact, I manage it by changing the topic of discussion cos I don’t want you telling more lies ;)

4. Help, I just don’t know how to say goodbye without crying!!! Even people I’m not close to o! it is sickening. I just must cry shaa. I’ll tell you how bad this is, the week I joined my current employer, a guy was leaving. Two days later was his send forth. As he was appreciating everyone and cutting his cake, I was crying. I didn’t even know the guy before!!! What the heck is wrong with me?

5. I am the only fat person I know that catches cold with the lightest movement of air. Help me if you are on my side too but it is embarrassing. I am supposed to have extra padding so I shouldn’t be feeling cold right? Wrong. I feel cold more than an average person

6. Aha!! Lastly, I have this strange belief or knowing that things will always work out in my favor. I believe God is the judge of all and He is my father and in the final analysis, He will always favor me first. If it is not working out now, its only a matter of time before it changes to my direction or I get a better deal

There you go, I made it. i now tag – 36, writefreak, unnaked,


Tyger said...

i know i know you some cos i know 4 out of the 6 things you wrote!

hey hey hey!

that one about smelling lies! i dont know o!
i have seen you swallow o!

bumight said...

wow, these are unique quirks. so will u cry if i said i was leaving blogsville?

UnNaked Soul said...

hey babes.. nice tagging me, but I've done mine...

we share the same number 2 and 6... *wink*

Sagacité said...

thanks guys for your comments.
@tyger: i swallow a lot of lies cos i consider its not important pursuing the truth at that moment. so you u know me some!!!

@bumight: don't make me say this...when i read your comment, i smiled then i noticed a tear. now i don't really think that was some never know!!!

@unnaked: awwh guess i have missed that your post then. off i go, got some catching up to do.

badderchic said...

Aww! you sound alot like moi. interestingly,

Sagacité said...

ok ok i've got to know this person. at last i've found one like me. i knew i wasn't sooo strange afterall!!!

thanks jare

Writefreak said...

You smell lies??? I'm with you on the crying one o...

Writefreak said...

When will you update???